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Improve your Business with Employee Location Tracking Software

When you have employees in your office, it gets hard to keep a track on each and every one of them. So think about the employees who are into sales, marketing and delivery. They are outdoors all the time and it will be more difficult and complex for you to determine how well they work. This will no longer be a problem if you use the employee location tracking software. It uses simple GPS tracking system to easily determine your employee’s exact location.

Through the employee location tracking software you can check whether the employees are doing their task properly. By keeping tabs on where they visit and how long they stay in a particular place, you can determine if a particular person is hitting the target or is slacking. This system will indirectly increase employees’ productivity and company’s profit. GPS tracking can be a quick and effective way for managing a big team without missing out anyone.

Benefits in using employee location tracking software
Time Management: Off-site employees will be on time to the workplace thus increasing the productive hours.
Easy Rescheduling: While knowing exactly where your employees are, you can easily redirect them to new places in case of emergency.
Customer Friendliness: If you run a delivery-based company, it is preferred to provide updates regarding customer’s order status. With the GPS tracking, you can easy inform the exact status.
Obtaining Confidence: With no hide and seek between you and your employee, it is easy to gain confidence on the people who work so hard.

Just look at some of the benefits employees have because of this software.
Safety: The first and foremost advantage your employees have is the safety measure behind this software. You would know if something is wrong and will rush to aid your employee.
Job Security: By examining the performances of your employees closely, the ones with good remarks will get appraisals and job security.
By using a simple Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking, this employee location tracking software is used in various fields such as delivery, security, travels and other off-site services.


The Evolution of GPS Tracking System

Did you know GPS tracking system has a history that goes back to nearly 2000 years? For ages people have been looking for ways to find locations and identify directions to different places.  It all began in the first century when the Chinese used lodestone ladles whose handles always pointed towards the south no matter what direction they were placed in.

Always fascinated with new places and directions, people looked for ways to document the different pathways and roads. In the 2nd century Ptolemy used latitudes and longitudes, and created the first map. This map was the forerunner of the highly intricate maps that are now being used in GPS tracking devices in India and other countries.

As years went by and people started traveling overseas to explore nations on the other side of the shore, maps became even more important and detailed. Abraham Zacuto came up with a system to determine the exact latitude while other scientists started exploring electromagnetic waves, earth’s magnetic power, discovering satellites, all which formed a solid basement for the development of the modern GPS tracking system. Also involved in the development of this tracking system is technological development of photography and videography. Another parallel invention that formed the basis of this tracking system is the development of computers and chips, which allowed one to store millions of bits of data in a square millimeter of space.

In the year 1978, a Block-I GPS satellite was launched. It was basically used for defense purposes. Another milestone in the GPS system is the development of Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) a digital map that allowed users to create virtual maps. This digital map was released in 1989, and sometime before that in 1983, the US president had declared that the GPS system would be made public for everyone to use. Both these factors speeded up the process of the designing and development of GPS-enabled tracking devices in India and the rest of the world.

Over the next few decades, more research institutions and IT-based companies began to create devices based on GPS. Now, GPS has become so commonplace that one can find it in Smartphones, cars and more. This 2000 year history of GPS is still continuing with more research and development in this extensive field of global positioning and mapping.


GPS Tracking System in India- How it Benefits Your Business

GPS (Global Positioning System) is a small device that is attached to the vehicle and gets connected to the computer, laptop or smart phone with the help of Internet. The three main components for this are GPS tracking device, GPS tracking server and user interface.
GPS vehicle tracking system in India is developing and it is used to ensure the safety and security of the vehicles.  Vehicle tracking system is used in fleet management, recovery of the stolen vehicles, field service management, asset tracking, fuel monitoring and distance calculation.
The reason for using this includes

It lowers the business costs,
Traffic alerts are given to the driver,
We can know the exact location of the breakdown of the vehicle,
Reduces rash driving and over speeding,
Real time data are recorded and analyze the vehicle that comes closer to the GPS device.
Besides vehicle tracking system, other products that use GPS are Kids GPS tracker, Employee tracking system and Smartphone GPS tracker. GPS vehicle tracking system in India is useful for Courier Company, food transports, and in logistics department.  Because of the GPS tracker, we can make sure that the courier reaches in time to the customer and it gains customer satisfaction. Food should be delivered in time to the customer otherwise the food may go in waste or the customer will not be happy for the service. Logistics Department , where the company has many vehicles to maintain, the company head can track and glance all the vehicles at once with GPS software on a computer. It can be easily seen, which vehicle is following the rules or violating it.

GPS tracking services offer guides for the customer’s convenience to install the GPS device as per the customer needs. Every manual is clearly explained. Once the device is purchased, we can call to the customer care and fix an appointment for installation. GPS tracking device India will give alerts either through SMS or E-mails.  International customers would receive only E-mail alerts.

GPS tracking device India would work with any 2G or 3G network. Connect my world provide one year warranty for GPS device and shipping is available all over India. We can track our vehicles with the help of the given username and password. We can view the location of the vehicle in street view and large view. GPS tracking system will make the customers secure and happy. There are many companies in the market who provide these services with low cost so that everyone should use it.


Are Your Loved Ones Safe?

The moment your child steps out of the house, you have no control about their moments or activities. Yes, you may have arranged for the safest transport system or organized for their school to pick up and drop the child right near your door step, but how can you be sure that your child is safe out in the big, bad world? It is such a difficult time for parents, especially for those families where both the parents are working. With their tight schedules and deadlines, parents will find it very hard to make time to pick up and drop their children in school, tuition centers or other extra classes. So, they will make other arrangements for transporting their children. But the point that will be constantly niggling them at the back of the parents mind is, “Are my little ones safe?” It is not possible for parents to constantly be at the beck and call of children. And at the same time, it is not possible to lock up children and keep them away from all the danger. So, what is the solution to this situation? Go for a reliable GPS tracking system for kids.

Modern world genies and techies are pouring all their knowledge to make everyone feel safe and secure by using advanced technology in everyday life. And with the Global Positioning System (GPS), everything is possible from tracking your vehicle to your loved ones. Worried about your school going kid’s safety? Get the latest and advanced GPS tracking system and keep your little one safe and on track. Today’s market has many wearable devices with built-in GPS that are so kid friendly. In the recent times, wearable technologies have grown to a large extent, thanks to the advancement in GPS and other tracking technologies.

There are many wearable devices and apps that can be used for tracking your child’s whereabouts and even their activities. Parents will receive a SMS about their child’s location, and even a Google map link to their exact location. Many apps and GPS tracking system for kids offer a missed call scheme, which allows one to identify the child’s location by just giving a missed call. The wearable devices are light in weight, cost effective and easy to use and deploy.

There are plenty of GPS tracking devices available in the market. Do a thorough research and find the best one that matches your needs and helps keep your loved ones safe and secure.


How GPS Fleet Tracking System Helps to Reduce Your Overhead Costs?

An increasing need for GPS system has enabled a variety of companies to make it with extensive features. Indeed, the market for fleet tracking system is growing and has managed to carve a niche for itself. As an advanced wireless technology, GPS fleet tracking system has enabled companies to manage their tasks efficiently. In fact, its main objectives are to reduce fuel cost, decrease the documentation work and increase service calls per day.  Considered as the exclusive example of technical brilliance, this tracking system has created pathways for a company’s growth and adding to its popularity.

There are many companies that use GPS software is dispatching and the breadcrumb trail. The dispatching system is meant to keep a track of the driver being sent to the customer on call; while, its bread crumb feature is made to make sure that the driver is going in the right direction towards the decided customer. Another excellent thing about GPS fleet tracking management is that one is able to monitor the idling time of the drivers and lessen the fuel cost. It is like keeping an eye on the driver as to what all he does in his free time which has become mandatory too.

Along with managing other aspects of business, GPS fleet tracking system is a proficient, user friendly system for dispatchers and other administrative tasks. Certain features will allow different standards of administrative rights. The maintenance team will have easy authorization to keep records only and cannot access other features within the software. Generally, the best fleet tracking system always accompanies updates that will keep the software functional at any given time.

The GPS fleet racking management has indicated for the use of software that keeps a vigilant eye on the engine activity, level of speed, start or stop. It helps to set up Geo fences on a concerned traveling route. In fact, its increasing demand has led companies to make this product with lesser budget; so that, all companies can afford it to improvise on the efficiency and cut down on extra costs that has been troubling since so many years. Briefly, GPS tracking system is ideal for companies to save on costs and improve the overall efficiency for a profitable future.


Why Choose Online Vehicle Tracking?

GPS tracking software is used to locate the geographical area of the vehicle and to track its route. GPS enabled gadgets help to keep an eye on online Vehicle Tracking easier and faster. GPS stands for Geographical Positioning System which helps to determine the current location, time and velocity with the help of co-ordinates. The usage requires few laws to be obeyed and it differs from country to country. GPS tracker will function with the help of a receiver and transmitter.

 Vehicle tracking system in India is used in various fields like sports, monitoring employees and race control. GPS tracking devices are mainly used by three categories of customers - vehicle tracking, asset tracking and people tracking.  It is done with the help of SMS and Email alerts that are sent to the registered cell phone. The ERP software will integrate all the devices to co-ordinate with each other.

The great thing is online vehicle tracking does not need any installation and can be accessed from any device like I pad, Smartphone, laptop, computer and tablet. We need to login to the company website from where we buy the GPS device and choose the device type in line with this after you have logged in, it will display the battery life of the GPS device and you can charge it whenever it is needed. It also comprises of various tabs like monitor, report, replay and last position.  It allows storing all the data of the locations up to one year. The current location of the GPS device is shown with the help of the red dot on the map. You can view the locations either in aerial view or satellite view as per your need and convenience.

Vehicle tracking system in India has been for 2 decades and change is always a constant. It has been going through many phases and there is development with every step forward. GPS vehicle tracking system is used to find the status of the vehicle, speed management, fuel management and theft sensor. GPS devices come with inbuilt GSM and GPRS. It gives various alerts like over speed, engine on/off and low battery.

Many companies competing with each other to give better solutions to the customers related to the GPS devices. They always make better option to be more customers friendly and use the device effectively. The network of the GPS device would spread across the country or across the globe depending on the strength of the signal it carries. With the help of GPS device, the business can grow to large extent in a short period time.




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